Ethics expresses the set of rules of conduct followed by a person or a group of people and defines a reflection on the rules and principles to be followed in practical life.
The ethics in the Company is the ability to integrate its business activities with the respect and protection of the interests of all partners and of all the individuals it relates to, with the protection of environmental resources and their conservation for future generations.

The ethical code adopted by Sirius S.p.a. is a set of principles and rules whose observance is of fundamental importance for the proper functioning and improvement of the reliability of the Company. It represents the “Charter of Fundamental Rights and Duties” by which the Company clarifies its ethical and social responsibilities towards different stakeholders of internal or external interests. This code uses and integrates the ETI Code.

The adoption of this Code has the primary objective of satisfying, in the best way, the needs and expectations of the interlocutors of the Company, aiming to recommend and promote a high level of professionalism and to prohibit those behaviors that are in contrast not only with the relevant legislative provisions, but also with the values that the Company intends to promote.

The individual and collective behavior of the Company employees and collaborators must be in line with company policies and must be evident in a concrete collaboration, social responsibility and respect of current regulations following the standards of behavior identified by The Ethical Code.

The adoption of this Code completes and enriches the CCNL (National Labour Contract) rules and the procedures of the Quality Management System.
The ethical Code is addressed to all those employees or collaborators, who establish direct or indirect relations with the Company, in a permanent or temporary way, or operate to reach the Company targets.

They will be defined as “recipients”.
Recipients who violate the principles and rules contained in this Code, harm the relationship of mutual trust established with the Company.

All the recipients are required to know the Ethical Code, to contribute to its implementation, to its improvement and its diffusion. The Company undertakes to distribute to all employees and collaborators a copy of this Code and to disseminate its contents and objectives.

Rules and standards of behavior (ETI Code)
The Sirius Code of Ethics adopts and refers to the ETI Code as to the following link:


download Sirius Ethical code



Respect for Human Rights is a fundamental value for Sirius, which considers them the basis of a civil society based on the principles of equality, solidarity, civil rights protection, political, social, cultural and economic rights.
Sirius Spa operates within the framework of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and fundamental international conventions. Sirius has always been attentive to the well-being of all stakeholders and is committed to respect the environment where it works and to create a good working environment for all employees.

Sirius does not allow any form of discrimination, illegal recruitment, illicit intermediation and exploitation of labor, mistreatment, forced or child labor. The company is committed to respect for freedom, equality of human beings, work protection and respect for freedom of association in accordance with national and international mandatory regulations in accordance with the Sirius Code of Ethics which refers to the ETI Code.

In particular, the company undertakes to:
· Promote fair treatment among employees, as well as the hiring of employees, ensuring equal opportunities without distinction on the basis of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, union membership, political opinion or sexual orientation;
· Refrain from engaging in any conduct of forced labor or otherwise against the will of the employee, of slavery or of trafficking in human beings;
· Provide non-discriminatory salaries and in any case adequate to ensure the minimum remuneration required by national legislation;
· Comply with the maximum number of hours established by the applicable regulations, ensuring decent working hours and adequate breaks;
· Recognize, in accordance with national legislation, the rights of employees to join associations, trade unions and access to collective bargaining;
· Respect the rights to personal dignity and confidentiality of each individual, in particular by not allowing inhumane, degrading, cruel, threatening, coercive or harassing treatment, including sexual treatment, against them.

The adoption of these policies completes and enriches the rules contained in the CCNL, in the Sirius Code of Ethics and in the procedures of the Quality Management System.
This policy is aimed at all those who, as employees or collaborators, establish direct or indirect relations with the Company in a stable or temporary manner or in any case work to pursue the Company's objectives. They will be referred to below as "recipients" or "stakeholders".

Recipients who violate the principles and rules contained in this Code, damage the relationship of trust established with the Company.
All recipients are required to be familiar with this Human Rights Policy, to contribute to its implementation, improvement and dissemination. The Company undertakes to make this policy known to all employees and collaborators and to disseminate its contents and objectives.


download Human Rights